I’ll admit it. There are times, I just don’t see it. Times when I think maybe I missed it or (should I say it) God missed it. The are times, I try to force the hands of time to move faster. Times when my impatience gets the best of me. Don’t you?
But God sees what we can’t yet see. His vantage point gives Him perspective. He can survey the beginning to the end. Sometimes, we can only see the now. He sees all the plans that are in motion. And He will create it in perfect order. Sky before birds, lake before fish, etc, etc…
“And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:10
God looked upon His incomplete creation, day after day, and saw that it was good. He patiently created each day.
But it was incomplete, how could it be good? It took days to complete, how could this be good? Why was that detail important to include in scripture? Because it reveals the heart of God. It reveals the timing of God. Could He have not spoke and everything happen at once? Maybe He was enjoying each day. Maybe instead of rushing the creation, He wanted to watch the growth of life. Hmmm.
God sees the big picture. He knows it all…the past, present, and future. And He sees the good in the not yet. Did you get that – THE NOT YET! That is true for your life and future as well. You have a few NOT YETS. I have a few NOT YETS.
God isn’t finished. He is in control. He is watching over your life and this world. He likes to build. He likes to sow and grow. That, alone, should give us hope. If He can create a world out of dark and void, what can He do with us.
He also wants you to see the good in the “right now.” He is here. He is working. And that is really good news. He sees the work in progress in your life as well. He isn’t disappointed or frustrated with you. He knows where He is leading and how He is going to complete His good work in you. He sees your NOT YETS!
So, trust His vantage point. Trust His heart. And know that God’s good plan is continuing to unfold. It may just be the third day, but “It is good!” You may have a lake but no fish, but “It is good!”
Today, I pray you have the patience to wait during your “NOT YET.” I pray you stop trying to force the hands of time. I pray you can say – “It’s not completed YET, but it is good.”