Advancing the kingdom of God and seeing lives transformed!

Mike Shreve
Evangelist, Author, Publisher, Podcaster
A true spiritual awakening is what this generation needs: the reality of God’s kingdom, the revelation of His Word, the manifestation of His gifts, the fulfillment of His promises, and the outpouring of His glory. All these things are part of Mike Shreve’s declared purpose, because they translate into genuine, miraculous transformation in people’s lives.
Mike’s primary message to the body of Christ concerns the revelation of our spiritual identity, discovering who God says we are by learning the names and titles God has given us in His Word (there are over 1,000). God gave him this insight for the church by a divine visitation almost 40 years ago. Since then, he has written seven books on the subject, the latest being Who Am I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ (published by Charisma House).
In “Word and Spirit Encounters” the altar is always a major emphasis. The altar is a place of healing, a place of new beginnings, a place of connecting with the Creator, a place of positive change. Church is not just about hearing a sermon; church is meant to be a spiritual atmosphere, a place of encountering God, supernaturally.
God’s promise to heal the sick has been showcased in Mike Shreve’s meetings from the beginning, especially those gatherings assigned to that purpose. Though this has always been a part of his message and ministry, after receiving a remarkable visitation from God around 1985 (a prophetic dream), miraculous healings began to occur more often. This is simply God watching over His Word to perform it (passages like Mark 16:18: “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover”).
The highest purpose in all of these things is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom.

The Spiritual Journey that Led to a God-infused Life
The beginning of the journey started at a Catholic Church.
Mike Shreve was raised Catholic and was very committed, receiving the sacraments and serving as an altar boy. During that time, he was influenced by many sincere nuns and priests, but unfortunately, they only introduced him to a concept of religion, not a personal relationship with Jesus. That didn’t happen until his latter teens. Now Mike Shreve is reaching adherents of his original belief system through “The Catholic Project.”
Then, there was a detour into Far Eastern Religions.
In 1970, in a desperate effort to find a spiritual reality, Mike dropped out of college to study under an Indian guru, devoting himself to the practice of yoga and meditation. He began embracing many concepts out of Hinduism and New Age spirituality—anything that promised a supernatural experience of God-consciousness and Self-realization. Eventually, he formed a yoga ashram in Tampa, Florida, and was teaching an advanced form of yoga to several hundred students at four universities in that area. Then a powerful encounter with Jesus radically changed his heart, his life, and his worldview.
The Jesus Movement era developed into a life of evangelistic adventure.
Soon after his life-transforming encounter with Jesus, Mike Shreve began traveling around the United States, preaching on street corners and college campuses. After a couple of years, this initial approach developed into an evangelistic ministry in churches, auditoriums, tent meetings, and open air mission crusades, traveling to 14 nations outside of the U.S., including: India, Costa Rica, Nigeria and Liberia. Great things have happened, including extended outbreaks of revival and divine visitations that shook cities. Do it again, Lord!!!
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The Call to Radical Discipleship
Now over 50 years later, the passion is still SOULS!!! Impacting the world with the GOSPEL!!! Believing God for MIRACLES!!! Seeing broken lives restored and believers awakened and empowered, using every possible means. Mike has written 17 books, including three #1 best sellers on Amazon. Four of his books were intentionally published to reach and impact people of his former mindsets. His podcasts and his outreach websites have been a light to hundreds of thousands of people seeking the truth about God and His Word. It’s all in obedience to a simple command that Jesus gave long ago, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”