Pursue a Deeper Walk with God
Your Path to Purpose
and Passion Begins Here

Discover Your Spiritual Identity
Revealing the True Light
Christianity and Catholicism
Pray the Promises not
the Problems
There are 7,487 promises in God’s Word and approximately 31, 173 verses. So clearly, promises comprise about one-fourth of the revelation of God’s Word. Hebrews 11:33 reveals that “through faith” we obtain promises. This is evidenced when we confess the divine pledges and praise God in advance for their fulfillment.
Two of Mike Shreve’s #1 best-selling books are based on this theme: 25 Powerful Promises from God and
65 Promises from God for Your Children.

The word “teacher” in Spanish is maestro. How fitting! Because a maestro in English is a conductor who helps each musician in a grand orchestra fulfill his or her role. In like manner, sound, anointed Bible teachings help us all find our unique role in the body of Christ and purpose in the Kingdom of God.
True Worshipers

Audio Teachings
For audio Bible teachings, click here. Messages are divided up in four categories: Our Spiritual Identity, The Names of God, General Bible Teachings, and Prayer.
Study to Show Yourself Approved
Jesus was the eternal Word who became flesh. As we study His Word and digest it into our inner being, we take on the characteristics of the Word, becoming expressions of His Word to fellow human beings who don’t yet know Him. Paul said we become the “epistle of Christ” (a love letter from God to this hurting world). As you look at yourself this way, it will make your study of the Bible even more meaningful and purposeful.
Elizabeth’s Teachings

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lit the flame within us.

Mike’s Perspective
Conversation needs to be logical, structured, Bible-based, and committed to critical thinking that arrives at firm conclusions.

Elizabeth’s Practicality
Conversation needs to be free-flowing, spontaneous, joyful, inspired, relationship-oriented and edifying. Interesting combination, right?!?!

God of Hope

Shreve Ministries
An interdenominational, Full Gospel, Word-based ministry committed to the advance of the Kingdom of God
P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320
(423) 478-2843
Hours: 9:45am-5pm (Mon-Fri)