My Redeemer Lives

December 6, 2021
When he prayed for his grandsons, Jacob established a biblical precedent declaring that the Angel of the Lord (the pre-incarnate Christ) had "redeemed" him "from all evil: (Gen. 48:16). Now…
The first thing God provided to His people after their deliverance from Egypt was the promise of healing. He even named Himself Yahweh-Rapha (the Lord who heals). It's still a…
The God who keeps Israel (an entire nation) is also miraculously keeping you. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is watching over you constantly to defend you and preserve you.
From eternity past to eternity future, in Scripture Jesus is symbolized as a lamb--tender, submissive, innocent, gentle and refusing to retaliate. When Abraham and his son, Isaac, were walking up…
The amazing overview of angels from Genesis to Revelation: orders of angels, functions of angels, examples of angelic intervention, experiences with angels in our day.
In the KJV of Psalms 83:3 God refers to His covenant people as His "Hidden Ones." We are hidden in the secret of His presence and under the shadow of…

Rock of Ages

January 22, 2021
Throughout Scripture, God is depicted as a "Rock"--unchanging and unconquerable. David said, "When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I!" You will find…